Cannabis Hydration Lotion UK


MÜV Cannabis Hydration Lotion UK is a great option for those looking to combine cosmetic products and cannabis medicine. MÜV Hydrating Lotion produces a soothing, medicinal reward for your skin.


Cannabis Hydration Lotion UK

MÜV Cannabis Hydration Lotion UK is a great option for those looking to combine cosmetic products and cannabis medicine. This lotion is infused with natural oils, shea butter, rosemary mint, safflower, rose hips, vitamin E, as well as antioxidant-rich green tea. Also, natural cannabis extracts present in this product target cannabinoid receptors found in the skin. As a result, MÜV Hydrating Lotion produces a soothing, medicinal reward for your skin.

Ingredients: Contains 60 mg Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 60 mg cannabidiol (CBD) extracted and purified from Cannabis spp. plants meticulously grown without the use of harmful pesticides.


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